Pints with Progressives

Pints with Progressives

Join us for our monthly Pints With Progressives! Each month, the SCDP visits a different local eatery for drinks, food, and friendship.

Location changes each month between Gallatin, Portland, and Hendersonville. This month, we’ll be at TailGate Brewery in Hendersonville!

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Sumner County Democratic Party Reorganization

Sumner County Democratic Party Reorganization

Join the Sumner County Democratic Party for our bi-annual county party reorganization!

Are you ready to get involved? On Saturday, March 29th, we'll meet together to elect our 2025-2027 officers and executive committee. Elections will be held at the Sumner County Administration building (355 Belvedere Drive, Gallatin) on Saturday, March 29th at 10:00 AM. Doors open at 9:30 AM and re-organization will start promptly at 10:00 AM (so don't be late!).

Pre-register at the link below using your full name as it appears on your voter ID card.

Eligible participants should have a record of voting in Democratic primaries. If your most recent primary ballot in Tennessee is for the Republican Party, you are not eligible to vote in this election. Just moved to town, freshly 18, or unsure about your voting record? Send us an email and we'll provide further information.

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SCDP Potluck

  • 333 West Main Street - Suite F Gallatin, TN, 37066 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join the Sumner Dems for our monthly potluck at headquarters! Bring a dish to share and come for community, learning, and good food.

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Pints with Progressives

Join us for our monthly Pints With Progressives! Each month, the SCDP visits a different local eatery for drinks, food, and friendship.

Location changes each month between Gallatin, Portland, and Hendersonville, so stay tuned for location!

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SCDP at Squarefest

Join the SCDP at Squarefest! Gallatin’s twice-yearly street festival is back and better than ever so head on over and say hello - we’ll be there waiting to meet you!

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SCDP May Potluck

  • 333 West Main Street - Suite F Gallatin, TN, 37066 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join the Sumner Dems for our monthly potluck at headquarters! Bring a dish to share and come for community, learning, and good food.

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SCDP Spring Picnic

Join us for our annual Spring Picnic!

Bring a lawn chair and a dish to share as we celebrate community and work together for a better world. More info coming soon!

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SCDP Potluck

SCDP Potluck

  • 333 West Main Street - Suite F Gallatin, TN, 37066 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join the Sumner Dems for our monthly potluck at headquarters! Bring a dish to share and come for community, learning, and good food.

This month, Sumner Dem exec officers will share information about the upcoming county party reorganization process and answer questions about becoming part of the SCPD Executive Committee!

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Pints with Progressives

Pints with Progressives

Join us for our monthly Pints With Progressives! Each month, the SCDP visits a different local eatery for drinks, food, and friendship.

Location changes each month between Gallatin, Portland, and Hendersonville. This month, join us upstairs at Casa Roja Mexican Grill in downtown Gallatin!

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SCDP Potluck

SCDP Potluck

  • 333 West Main Street - Suite F Gallatin, TN, 37066 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join the Sumner Dems for our monthly potluck at headquarters! Bring a dish to share and come for community, learning, and good food.

This month, we’re featuring guest speaker Kara James, co-founder of the FIND Design. FIND Design works to mitigate the effects of trauma on Black girls and girls of color ages 11-17 by providing safe spaces for healing, long-term mentorships, and programming that transforms their mental health and overall well-being.

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SCDP Holiday Party

SCDP Holiday Party

Join us to celebrate the holiday season with our annual SCDP Holiday Party. This casual event is an opportunity to get together with like-minded neighbors to enjoy a bite or a drink (bring something to share if you'd like), and to enjoy live music and the holiday spirit. Those who wear a festive sweater will be entered in a "best sweater" contest with a prize awarded. We'll also have a Toys for Tots box for donations. Toys for teen-agers are especially needed this year. We'll also be collecting gently used purses filled with supplies for women experiencing homelessness. Please stop by to say hello.

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Deck The Halls

Deck The Halls

Stop by Headquarters and bring decorations to help prepare for our holiday party on Dec. 1. We’ll have a tree, so bring some ornaments, or other decorations to help make HQ festive. This is also an opportunity to bring a purse filled with items for women who are experiencing homelessness. We’ll also have a donation box for Toys For Tots (especially need items for teens). See you there!

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Pints With Progressives -- White House Version!

Pints With Progressives -- White House Version!

Hey White House neighbors! Our monthly get-together with like-minded folks is coming to White House in November. Join us for a pint or a soft drink, purchase food if you'd like, and enjoy getting to know other Blue Dots from Sumner County. This is a casual gathering, drop in and say hello. See you there!

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Volunteer Opportunity: Mobile Food Pantry

Volunteer Opportunity: Mobile Food Pantry

Unlimited Potential has requested volunteers to help distribute food at their October “bonus” mobile food pantry, and SCDP is here for it! Arrive at 8:15 a.m. to sign in and help sort food before the drive-through distribution begins at 9 a.m. Wear your Dem garb if you'd like, or wear pink in honor of those affected by cancer. If you would like to assist in this community outreach event, please sign up at this link so we can provide an estimated number of SCDP volunteers to the organizers.

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Pints With Progressives

Pints With Progressives

Join us for some conversation, some laughs, and some camaraderie with fellow like-minded progressives at our monthly get-together. Food and beverages are available for purchase. RSVP is not required — just come, and bring a friend.

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Early voting begins today! If you are registered to vote in Sumner County, you can vote at any Early Voting Center Oct. 16-31. Today you can vote from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Hartsville Pike Church of Christ in Gallatin, or from 10 6 p.m. at Imperial Square Plaza in Hendersonville, adjacent to Hendersonville Church of Christ. Early voting is available on weekdays at these two locations and also on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon. Satellite voting locations are available on specific days throughout the county. You can find a list of early voting locations here.

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NAACP Candidates Forum

NAACP Candidates Forum

Sponsored by NAACP Sumner County

Come meet and support your local candidates and hear their positions on the issues that matter to our communities!

Date: Monday, October 14, 2024

Time: 6:00 P.M.

Location: First Baptist Church

290 E. Winchester Street – Gallatin, TN

For more information, please contact:

Email: Hollis Rutledge at

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Harris-Walz Pre-Ordered Merchandise Pickup

Harris-Walz Pre-Ordered Merchandise Pickup

If you weren’t able to pick up your pre-ordered Harris-Walz signs and merchandise at one of the previous opportunities, this is your chance! This will be the last scheduled pickup date, so please stop by while our volunteer is available with your loot.

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Postcards for Sumner

Postcards for Sumner

Join the SCDP on Thursday, October 10 at SCDP Headquarters to write postcards in support of the Sumner County candidates for state House and Senate.

Names, addresses, and scripts will be provided. If you are able, please come prepared with postcards, postcard stamps, and pens.

We’ll see you Thursday evening!

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October Community Potluck

October Community Potluck

Join your fellow Blue Dots for a casual potluck at SCDP Headquarters, and bring a dish to share if you’d like. And bring a friend! This month, a guest speaker will discuss how you can help our candidates by texting voters on their behalf.

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SCDP Booth at Gallatin Fall Fest

SCDP Booth at Gallatin Fall Fest

Join us at our party’s booth at this year’s Fall Fest on the Square in Gallatin! Volunteers are needed throughout the day (8 a.m. to 7 p.m.) for set-up, voter registration, receiving donations for merchandise, greeting visitors, providing information, and tear-down. If you can help, please click here to sign up.

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VP Debate Watch Party

VP Debate Watch Party

Join us at SCDP headquarters to watch the Vice Presidential debate with like-minded community members. We’ll open the venue, you bring your own snacks/beverages. You can also pick up your pre-ordered Harris-Walz merchandise at this time. See you there!

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Pints With Progressives

Pints With Progressives

Join your fellow Sumner County progressive friends and neighbors on the third Thursday of each month for a casual pint or whatever you’d like to order. This month’s gathering will be in Hendersonville.

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SCDP Three Star Dinner

After a hiatus of several years, the Sumner County Democratic Party Three Star Dinner is BACK!

Join us for a festive evening with local Democrats including hor'doeuvres, dinner, and dessert provided by A Catered Affair, cash bar, silent auction, music, guest speakers, and more!

Grab a friend, put on your best blue, and join us - we can't wait to celebrate democracy with you!

Date: Saturday, August 24, 2024
Time: 6 PM Gates | 7 PM Dinner

Location: Sycamore Springs Event Center
3712 Highway 31 E
Bethpage, TN 37022

Ticket donation: $75 per person
Table for 8 donation: $500

Additional Details:

Event Location: The 4,000 sq foot outdoor event pavilion at the lovely Sycamore Springs event center. It is two stories, but everything guests need is on the first floor, so it is accommodating for wheelchairs. It is shady and breezy since it's up in the hills of Bethpage.

No dress code! Just come as you'd like. We will have a cash bar for alcoholic drinks with an ABC licensed bartender.

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TN Legislative Dems: Sumner Co. Breakfast

TN Legislative Dems: Sumner Co. Breakfast

Join the Sumner County Democratic Party at Humbol & Co. (300 Indian Lake, Hendersonville, TN 37075) as we welcome the TN Legislative Dem caucus as part of their 2024 Campaign Kickoff Tour!

Featuring a light breakfast of coffee and pastries, we'll hear from caucus leaders as well as the following local candidates:
Walter Chandler (Senate District 18)
Lexi Melton (State House 35)
Brian Robertson (State House 44)
Alison Beale (State House 45)
Holly Cruz (Sumner Co School Board District 9)

RSVP here:

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SCDP Spring Picnic

SCDP Spring Picnic

Join the Sumner County Democratic Party for our Spring SCDP Picnic! Burgers, dogs, chips, and buns provided. Bring a side dish or dessert to share - and don’t forget your sunscreen! This is a family-friendly event.

Tickets are available here - suggested donation of $10 per adult.

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